Save the Warren Old Town Theatre

Save the Warren Old Town Theatre Hoping to convince Alamo Drafthouse or other indie theater chain to consider reopening the Old Town.

Another update on the Old Town theatre reopening including an interview with one of the new owners and with a random Big...

Another update on the Old Town theatre reopening including an interview with one of the new owners and with a random Big Foot they found wandering around downtown.


New owners are raising the curtain on the Old Town theater and planning on some big updates. KSN's Derek Lytle spoke to the owner and a movie buff, who petitioned to bring movies back to the big screen, about what to expect.

I met Tyler Cooper, one of the new owners of the OldTown Theatre, for breakfast last week and we talked for around 2.5 h...

I met Tyler Cooper, one of the new owners of the OldTown Theatre, for breakfast last week and we talked for around 2.5 hours. Straight up, they have some genuinely great ideas for the place, some I've never even heard other theatres doing yet, and for the first time since it was closed, I am very optimistic and excited about the future of our beloved Old Town! Fellow film buff Jennie Jo and I both had lobbied hard for the Alamo Drafthouse to take the theatre over, but after talking with Tyler, I think we may have lucked into something even better. I'll definitely be checking it out when it opens! =wichita_breaking_newsletter


Remember when we said the Warren Old Town may reopen? It’s official now, and here are the new owners.

DARKNESS: THE MOTION-PICTURE SOUNDTRACK release & record signing Friday June 7th & Saturday June 8th at four locations a...

DARKNESS: THE MOTION-PICTURE SOUNDTRACK release & record signing Friday June 7th & Saturday June 8th at four locations around Wichita, KS!

Fri 6/7 - 7:00pm-8:00pm @ SPEKTRUM MUZIK
Sat 6/8 - 12 Noon to 1:00pm @ CD TRADEPOST West
Sat 6/8 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm @ CD TRADEPOST East
Sat 6/8 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm @ KIRBY'S BEER STORE

We will have some copies of the 2-Disc albums for sale, along with 19x13" soundtrack posters signed by 7-10 of the musicians involved with the release, PLUS, some of the musicians will be on hand at each location to sign your copy of the album for free!

BIG THANKS to Shawn Swope for so beautifully recreating the SPINAL TAP record signing poster for us!

Mike Curtis - Jeff Kirby - Rob Carlo - Bob Merth - Jeff Kerby - Scott Gladfelter - Greg Seiwert - Mitchel Clay - Joe Kirby - Sammy Roach - Shawn Fast - maybe more!



Please Share! THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: 50TH ANNIVERSARY 4K Restoration WILL play on a WICHITA BIG SCREEN this OCTOBER! I have planned to show TXCM this October ever since we showed it for it's 40th Anniversary back in 2014* and since the last time we showed it with THE EVIL DEAD and PHANTASM at the StarLite Drive-In back in 2017**, and I've never swerved from that plan, so everyone can stop writing me asking if we're "getting it".

There's rumble that Regal and/or AMC are going to pick it up for a special engagement, but if they don't, we will still celebrate the anniversary properly and experience this amazing movie here in Wichita as it was meant to be seen - in a real theatre on the big screen! WILL WE SURVIVE AND WHAT WILL BE LEFT OF US?!

*2014 - 4th Annual OCTOBER AT THE OLDTOWN Horror Festival official trailer:

**2017 - Return of the StarLite Drive-In's TRIPLE FEATURE TERRORFEST official trailer:

BeAst WisheS - Leif


The first rule of Groovy Movies is WE DON'T TALK ABOUT GROOVY MOVIES...but for Frank LaLoggia I'm happy to make an excep...

The first rule of Groovy Movies is WE DON'T TALK ABOUT GROOVY MOVIES...but for Frank LaLoggia I'm happy to make an exception. 😁 Frank shared this entry on his new website about our Groovy Movie screening of LADY IN WHITE, FEAR NO EVIL and MIRO/MIRANDA at the Warren Old Town Theater here in Wichita, Kansas.

Love you Frank. Honored to have you share this brother. Sadly Regal closed the Old Town a little while ago so Groovy Movies are on hold for the time being, but we were never going to top this show anyway.

I remember the screening very well but had forgotten how many Wichitans are featured or mentioned in the thank you video. If you were at that screening you'll want to check it out to see if you're in it and be sure to watch it til the end for a couple of great cappers including one shot of the whole audience.

Click on the photo of the Old Town for Frank's post about the show and all the Groovy Movie members who attended. There's more direct links below to Frank's Groovy Movie video, the MIRO/MIRANDA promo and trailers for LADY IN WHITE and FEAR NO EVIL all on YouTube.

Ciao Franky!

"Groovy Movies" Thank You For Screening "Lady in White" & "Fear No Evil":

Miro/Miranda! (English Dubbed Version):

Lady in White (1988) - Trailer HD 1080p:

Frank LaLoggia's FEAR NO EVIL vintage FULL HD TRAILER!:

Frank's post on his website about Groovy Movies:


A couple of years back, filmmaker Leif Jonker of "Darkness" fame put together a double bill screening of "Lady" & "Fear" for his wonderful "Groovy Movies" gang in Wichita. After the screening, Leif sent me photos of the event and some attendees actually recorded videos of their reactions to the film...

They're changing out the locks?  What does this mean?  Is there a new owner?

They're changing out the locks? What does this mean? Is there a new owner?

Thanks to Stacey Storck for this link:

Thanks to Stacey Storck for this link:

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — A new business could soon be moving into the Warren Old Town Theater. The property went on the market at the end of July. Occidental Management is the company in charge…

OLD TOWN/ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE UPDATE:  Many folks have been posting/sharing the Wichita Business Journal article about the O...

OLD TOWN/ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE UPDATE: Many folks have been posting/sharing the Wichita Business Journal article about the Old Town being for sale. I think they're trying to stoke some more interest, maybe a bidding war, because there were interested buyers doing walk throughs before it was closed. I spoke with the realtor a couple of weeks ago and he confirmed the same info as the Journal - lots of interested parties.

As for Jennie Jo's and my campaign to get the Alamo Drafthouse to look at the theater, it was confirmed weeks ago that our emails and the petition got them to call on it and more recently we were told that one of the higher ups did make a trip to Wichita and had a walk-through of the theater. We have no information beyond the fact that they did visit and looked into it, so the first goal of the campaign was accomplished. Congrats Jennie and thanks to everyone who signed the petition and helped spread the word. We'll see what happens. Here's hoping someone reputable who loves movies steps up and brings the Old Town back to it's original glory and then hopefully even better!

Some various links copied below:



2nd aired Alternate Edit: KWCH reporter Shawn Loging was the first to speak with Jennie Jo and myself about our hopes to get the Alamo Drafthouse, or other good independent theater chain, interested in taking over the Warren Old Town Theatre. The first piece linked at the bottom of this page ran at 5:00 & 10:00 and Shawn was very kind to send me this alternate edit that ran on the 6:00pm news.

Please CLICK on the LINK and SIGN the PETITION! Let Alamo Drafthouse, or other independent film chains, know Wichita once loved and supported the Warren Old Town Theatre and will again under the right owners!


I got together with 155 of my closest friends at the Warren Old Town on her last night (for now) and sent her off with o...

I got together with 155 of my closest friends at the Warren Old Town on her last night (for now) and sent her off with our love. Click the video to hear what the crowd had to say:
Then, please go SIGN THE PETITION!

Perhaps it might just prove to be wishful thinking, but stranger things have happened. The petition might get the Alamo's attention, or the attention of another independent chain ran by people who actually love movies.

And yes, we're hearing the repeated rumors that another "fast one" got by us all and there's already a backdoor done deal with someone, even potentially with someone I can't support, in fact, if they conned there way into getting someone to buy it for them I'd have to go from trying to save the Oldtown to actively, publicly boycotting it til they eventually sold it and moved on so we could go back to finding a good owner, but we have to stay positive.
If Alamo Drafthouse doesn't work, there are other legitimate, independent film chains, even in our state that might be interested, like:

B&B Theaters -
Or maybe:
Mitchell Theaters -

Hell, in the end, before the wrong people get their hands on it, or before it's turned into some other kind of venue that will close in a couple of years, I'd rather see another giant chain take it over.

Please spend 20-30 seconds, click on the link and sign the petition. You never know, if we hit 10,000 signatures, it might actually help get the attention of a good company.


PLEASE SIGN, PLEASE SHARE and help bring the Alamo Drafthouse Theaters to Wichita for an Unparalleled Movie Experience! Click link and SIGN the PETITION! ...

In this KSN news piece Jennie Jo discusses the petition she established and why it is so important the right kind of com...

In this KSN news piece Jennie Jo discusses the petition she established and why it is so important the right kind of company take over our beloved Warren Old Town Theatre!

Please CLICK on this LINK and SIGN the PETITION!

Please let Alamo Drafthouse, or other independent film chains, know Wichita once loved and supported the the Warren Old Town Theatre and will again under the right owners! Please CLICK on this LINK and SIGN the PETITION!


The theater opened nearly two decades ago, and changed ownership six years ago when Regal Theatres bought it from Bill Warren, founder of the Warren movie theaters in Wichita.

In this KAKE news piece WICHITA BIG SCREEN member Jeremy Webster gets the very last word in while Stacey Storck and Mela...

In this KAKE news piece WICHITA BIG SCREEN member Jeremy Webster gets the very last word in while Stacey Storck and Melanie Addington make cameo appearances waiting for the doors to open and taking a picture of Tim McGill respectively.

Please let Alamo Drafthouse, or other independent film chains, know Wichita once loved and supported the the Warren Old Town Theatre and will again under the right owners! Please CLICK on this LINK and SIGN the PETITION!


The final film played at The Regal Warren Old Town Theater. After the final frame of that movie Barbie, which opened Thursday, the theater will close for good.

Jennie Jo  and myself spoke with KWCH News Channel 12, spreading the word about the petition to Save the Warren Old Town...

Jennie Jo and myself spoke with KWCH News Channel 12, spreading the word about the petition to Save the Warren Old Town Theatre and hopefully get the Alamo Drafthouse theatre, or other independent theater chain, to take it over!

Please let Alamo Drafthouse, or other independent film chains, know Wichita once loved and supported the the Warren Old Town Theatre and will again under the right owners!


After 20 years in downtown Wichita, screens will go dark after Thursday’s showtimes at the Regal Warren Old Town Movie Theatre.


Po Box 13445
Wichita, KS


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