I got together with 155 of my closest friends at the Warren Old Town on her last night (for now) and sent her off with our love. Click the video to hear what the crowd had to say:
Then, please go SIGN THE PETITION!
Perhaps it might just prove to be wishful thinking, but stranger things have happened. The petition might get the Alamo's attention, or the attention of another independent chain ran by people who actually love movies.
And yes, we're hearing the repeated rumors that another "fast one" got by us all and there's already a backdoor done deal with someone, even potentially with someone I can't support, in fact, if they conned there way into getting someone to buy it for them I'd have to go from trying to save the Oldtown to actively, publicly boycotting it til they eventually sold it and moved on so we could go back to finding a good owner, but we have to stay positive.
If Alamo Drafthouse doesn't work, there are other legitimate, independent film chains, even in our state that might be interested, like:
B&B Theaters - https://www.bbtheatres.com/
Or maybe:
Mitchell Theaters - https://www.mitchelltheatres.com/
Hell, in the end, before the wrong people get their hands on it, or before it's turned into some other kind of venue that will close in a couple of years, I'd rather see another giant chain take it over.
Please spend 20-30 seconds, click on the link and sign the petition. You never know, if we hit 10,000 signatures, it might actually help get the attention of a good company.
PLEASE SIGN, PLEASE SHARE and help bring the Alamo Drafthouse Theaters to Wichita for an Unparalleled Movie Experience! Click link and SIGN the PETITION! ...